[vlc] Playing a DVD over my LAN... (like Mac Air & Remote Disk)

Scott Matthews scott at turnstyle.com
Mon Jan 28 20:28:27 CET 2008

Hi all,

A little while back I was looking for a way to play DVDs from a shared DVD
drive over my home network -- I'm hoping to put the DVD in the drive of
'PC1' and then share that drive, and mount and play the DVD from another PC
over the network.

Last time, I was told that this wasn't possible (that the player app needs
direct access to the DVD player hardware) -- but do you then know how the
new Mac Air does it? ie, see:

http://www.apple.com/macbookair/wireless.html (Remote Disk)

This is essentially what I'm trying to do, but with Windows boxes -- it's
driving me nuts!


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