[vlc] vlc exit?

Peter Glaessel glassel at physi.uni-heidelberg.de
Sat Jul 12 09:27:07 CEST 2008

Dear all,
   I wonder whether there is a command line option that will tell vlc to 
exit after completing the playlist.

            Best regards ... Peter Glaessel

| Peter Glaessel                glassel at physi.uni-heidelberg.de |
| Physikalisches Institut der Universitaet Heidelberg           |
| Philosophenweg 12   Tel +49-6221-549219 Mobile +41-76487-3426 |
| D 69120 Heidelberg                       Fx:  +49-6221-475733 |
| at CERN +41-22-76-70738 (forwards to mobile)                  |

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