[vlc] How to disable all messages printed that appear when starting vlc from linux terminal?

Neil Bertram neil at catalyst.net.nz
Tue Nov 25 03:51:23 CET 2008

Mohamed AbdElwahed wrote:
> hi all,
> I run vlc from a linux terminal and there are a lot of messages that
> appear, attached below, i want to suppress all of these messeges

Like many applications that output to STDERR, VLC accepts a quiet option
(-q or --quiet) to reduce the output. VLC still prints its version
banner when quiet though.

You can also use standard UNIX pipe redirection to /dev/null to
accomplish absolute silence, if that's what you want.

> ***************************************
> * Running VLC as root is discouraged. *
> ***************************************

And as it says, don't run VLC as root, run it from a normal user account.


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