[vlc] RE : API: get_position etc. on media_list_player

Fabian Wolter vlc at fabian-wolter.de
Sun Nov 30 12:35:42 CET 2008

brezhoneg1 schrieb:
>    When you create a media_list, you also create a media_list_player and
> a media_player. This media_player can be used to retrieve information
> about which media is being played and everything related to it
> (position, ...).
> The media_list_player is an entity that automates playing back a whole
> playlist, but the media_player is still what is to be used to know about
> the media currently being played back.

You gave me the right hint: I set up a media_list_player, but no 

Now I realized that creating a media_player with libvlc_media_player_new 
with the Java bindings is not possible at all! The constructor of the 
Java class MediaPlayer invokes libvlc_media_player_new_from_media but 
not libvlc_media_player_new. I solved the problem by adding another 
constructur to MediaPlayer, which creates a media_player instance by 
calling libvlc_media_player_new. Now playing a media_list works fine.


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