[vlc] jack input access module

Milos Wimmer wimmer at zcu.cz
Mon Oct 13 15:04:20 CEST 2008


is there any way how could vlc read input audio data from JACK server?
I have found no information about it in documentation.
I tried to use some jack://... syntax for this source but without success.
vlc try to connect to JACK server and writes:
"jack_client_thread zombified - exiting from JACK"

I'm using vlc-0.9.4 with support for jack.
Outout of 'vlc -l | grep -i jack' command is:
access_jack  JACK  audio input
s jack
jack         JACK audio output

I can read output of JACK server by other applications without problem.

So - could somebody tell, how to use jack input access module  and if 
it really works?

Thank you for help,


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