[vlc] MediaListPlayer API issues and JVLC update

Keith Kyzivat kkyzivat at tripleplayint.com
Wed Sep 3 18:10:03 CEST 2008

Hi Javi,
I'm currently using JVLC as well, however I haven't chimed up in this
conversation because I don't use the playlist functionality at all -- just
the straight media player, and I manage the media choosing, loading
separately in my java application.

I'm not sure if I'll have time to investigate switching over to using
MediaList or Playlist (it seems to work pretty well for me as-is, however
there have been some niggling things with my implementation that may
eventually get me to switch, and look into MediaList -- granted, sounds like
there are some bugs that need to be fixed).

Have a look at the JVLC source code, and see if you can spot the bugs --
Just check out the VLC source with git<http://wiki.videolan.org/GetTheSource>,
and you'll find the Java binding code in <vlc working
directory>/bindings/java .
To build it, install a recent JDK (1.5.x is fine, earlier might be fine
even) and Apache Maven.  When it's all built, you'll have the jars, which
you should be able to use with any recent 0.9.x vlc build (not sure if there
are any very new changes that require you to use a latest snapshot, however
I doubt it) -- no need to actually build the entire vlc sources.

The Java bindings should only take a few minutes to fetch and build.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:52 AM, Javier Gálvez Guerrero <
javier.galvez.guerrero at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to implement a multimedia playlist with the last JVLC API (0.9.0
> test3), so I should use MediaList and MediaListPlayer. Anyway, I've tried
> through many ways to create a playlist and play it but there's no way, it
> only plays the first media content of the playlist. With the deprecated
> Playlist class it's so easy and straight-forward and, the most important, it
> works.
> I was wondering if anyone got any application using successfully the
> MediaList and MediaListPlayer objects. If so, how did you get it working?
> In addition, I would like to know if there is any way to know which item
> from the MediaList is being played by the MediaListPlayer, getting the
> MediaDescriptor instance or any other way. Moreover, I can't either see any
> function to play the previous item at the MediaList but I can see the
> function 'next()' (although it doesn't work...).
> As said before, I'm working with VLC 0.9.0 test 3 version due to
> compatibility requirements with last JVLC library, so, if these methods are
> implemented in newer VLC versions, please tell me.
> By the way, is going to appear a new JVLC jar library release in the next
> days due to the VLC 0.9.1/2 release?
> Any help is much appreciated.
> Thank you for your time,
> Javi
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Keith Kyzivat

SIP VoIP, IM and Presence Consulting
tel: +1 (617) 273-4000
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