[vlc] vlc install problem

Mario Pari mario.pari at passepartout.sm
Wed Sep 10 11:33:05 CEST 2008

Hi, i've a 35HD-Dual-Nas-E (Linux nas 2.6.15 #180 Wed Jan 16 10:19:05
CST 2008 armv4l unknown).
i've add into /etc/ipkg.conf this line:
src vlc http://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/ipkg-feed/armv4l
ipkg-cl update
Updated list of available packages in
Downloading http://www.arsenio.net/dualhddnas/ipkg/Packages
Updated list of available packages in
Updated list of available packages in
Successfully terminated.

If i write:
ipkg-cl install vlc
The result:
Nothing to be done
An error ocurred, return value: 4.
Collected errors:
Cannot find package vlc.
Check the spelling or perhaps run 'ipkg update'

Can you help me please?
Mario Pari
Area Sistemi e Infrastrutture
mario.pari at passepartout.sm
Passepartout s.a.
World Trade Center - Edificio A
Via Consiglio dei Sessanta, 99 - 47891 Dogana - RSM
tel. 0549 978011
fax 0549 978005
www.passepartout.net <http://www.passepartout.net/> 

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