[vlc] VLC media player PLEASE help me??

Triscutt ihatetristan at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 15:50:44 CEST 2009

I have a laptop and the sound quality sucks but vlc player makes my laptop
sound so good. The only issue I have with it (and i looked in the forums and
support/documentation page and could not find how to so this) is the sound
only sounds good when I enable the equalizer to full bass and switch the
audio device from sterio to mono. The problem I am having with this is every
the song ends and the next song on my playlist starts the audio device
automatically switches back to sterio and the equalizer automatically
disables so betweem each song i have to go back and change the settings. I
don't know if there is a way to set the audio device to mono as the default
setting and the equalizer enabled to full bass as the default but if there
is any way i can change something so i don't have to go back between each
song and switch the settings back to the way i like them i would i would
really appreciate the help. I've tried so many media players and vlc player
sounds the best with my laptop but only with these specific settings. I
would really love to continue using the vlc media player but it looks like
the only way that is possible is if i get some help on how to change the
settings to the way i like them permanently (or at least temporarilly untill
i close the player and have to switch the settings back the next time i open
it). Please help me!! I'd be soo stoked if you could if i got an email back
telling me the info i need to make this happen!
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