[vlc] How to hear all the tracks of a multi-track video

Robin Cosby robin at cosby.demon.co.uk
Fri Dec 4 13:08:04 CET 2009


I'm not sure which operating system you are running, but for some 
information on using the command-line interface, have a look at:


 From there, you can also click on the link to "VLC command-line help"

Hope this helps.

Robin Cosby

Alvise Maffei wrote:
> I am a big "VLC" fan but I have a problem!
> I have many multi-track videos made by joining 3 or 4 videos (they are 
> videos of concerts dowloaded from YouTube) and when I play such videos 
> only the first audio track is enabled (I can see it going to 
> "Audio">"Audio Track") and even if the video is still going on there 
> is no more any audio. Is it possible to enable all the tracks ?
> I asked help  and very kindly Rémi Denis-Courmont  replyed me "If you 
> want to play all tracks of a multi-track source, you need to use 
> the command line interface:     # vlc --sout-all --sout '#display' 
> I'm not so experienced to understand what I shall do with this string 
> !! Please help me again    Alvise
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