[vlc] How to get HD video onto iMovie

Ewald Eichler eichler.eh at aon.at
Thu Mar 26 12:19:45 CET 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen

I have MacBook Pro with IntelCore 2 Duo, OS 10.5.6 and iMovie'08  
(7.1.4). I also got your VLC Media Player. My old Super8 films are  
being digitized as HD. A sample sent to me opened with VLC as vlc- 
output.ts, but does not open in iMovie. I want to cut and arrange my  
old films per iMovie as I have cut and arranged my camcorder data on  
my older Mac with iMovie 4.0.1. What to do?

I read that the earlier iMovie HD (6.0.4) was better in opening video  
files but I missed getting it while it was available (until 2 months  
ago). I don't know whether the current iMovie'09 would solve the  

Is there a way of converting my HD-scanned old films into a format  
like that offered by my Sony camcorder? Is the answer somewhere on  
your website?


Ewald Eichler

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