[vlc] problems with newest VLC (1.0.1)

Woolley, Luke D. woolleld at rose-hulman.edu
Mon Sep 14 08:05:09 CEST 2009

So far the biggest problem that I've seen is that if I use my mouse's scroll wheel to jump slightly forward or backward on the playbar, the rest of the video freezes for a second every 10 seconds or so, then skips to where it should be. This gets frustrating because on older versions I used the scroll wheel for this jump-forward/backward feature quite often, especially when trying to find where I was last time I closed VLC in the middle of a video.
Oh, and the other problem is with playing hi-res .mkv files. During motion shots (i.e. 95% of Transformers, 1080p) the picture gets "cubey" (best word to describe it, similar to pixilation but ENORMOUS), skippy, laggy, and *insert another arbitrarily negative digital media term, lol*. In fact I downloaded my arch-nemesis, Media Player Classic, because Matroska playback is the only thing they do better than you guys. Other than that, you kick butt!!

Thanks for VLC, I love it!
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