[vlc] Possible Bug

Petr Jeřábek jerabekp at chello.cz
Tue Jul 20 11:02:14 CEST 2010

  Dear Videolan,
with the newest version of VLC (1.1.0) it is not possible to set video 
"Always on top". In the previous version 1.0.5 I used to drag and drop 
file(s) from a maximized Total Commander window right onto the VLC 
interface on top of it. Now in 1.1.0 the VLC window disappears (under) 
as if the video "Always on top" setting was not active. It only works 
with a skinned interface. Also, a "Native" or "Skin" interface now must 
be set (Native by default) which was not the case of the older version 
(it was with no default setting). For the time being I went back to the 
older version...
My system: Windows 7 Ultimate, 64bit
Best Regards

Petr Jerabek

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