[vlc] VLC 1.0.6 for OpenSUSE 11.2

michalvala at post.cz michalvala at post.cz
Fri Jul 30 01:27:18 CEST 2010

Hello all,

Is it possible to get VLC 1.0.6 for OpenSUSE 11.2 please? I have upgraded to 1.1.1 but some functionality is broken in this newer version. My problems are similar to those mentioned in this thread:


To be precise, I am using VLC instance as "retransmitter" of streams from cameras and offer those streams as video on demand. I start VLC with:

 vlc -I oldtelnet --telnet-host --telnet-port 4230 --rtsp-host

Then I remotely control the VLC by telnet and create several VODs. On version 1.0.6 everything was working perfectly but when I upgraded to 1.1.1, VLC always hangs when I try to create VOD. The command is:

new something vod enabled input "rtsp://"

Is there an error in my commands? Or is it a bug in current version of VLC?

Thank you,
Michal Vala

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