[vlc] [vlmc-devel-bounces at videolan.org: Forward of moderated message]

Fred vlaamsbreizh at free.fr
Tue Jun 29 10:55:12 CEST 2010

----- Forwarded message from vlmc-devel-bounces at videolan.org -----
> Hello,
>     I have a little feature or user friendly modification request,
> i think it will a good thing to add a listbox for the "custom skin" option in the interface settings window. 
> That will be filled with all vlt files available in the skins folder.
> And register vlt file type to automatically apply skin to vlc when user select a file.
> And not why... An option that say : "Install" or "Apply", The first option will copy the vlt file into vlc\skins.
> In another subject, a lite version of vlc can be a good thing... I think.
> Best regards,
----- End forwarded message -----

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