[vlc] [Bulk] Charles Adams

Just an Illusion jai4forum at yahoo.fr
Fri May 14 14:00:17 CEST 2010

Hi, your are right that seems stange but :
1- Are you sure than the 'mvie' is really an Avi formatted file ?
2 - Are you sure than your new player or burner do not limit the type of
supported file ?

Or in resume : how are you sure than the problem trully come from Vlc ?

Please give us more details on how do you try to play the movie ? which
type of message is given, if any ?
Have you try with some other players ? did they work ?
and after some details on your computer organisation (typically Os,
version, installed updates,...)

That can be help people to provide a true response.
Best regards, JaI

On 14/05/2010 13:03, Wayne Adams wrote:
>  Why will VLC not play format AVI ?  I will get a new player and burner. 
> <snip>

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