Melissa Genazzio mgenazzio at gmail.com
Tue Nov 9 17:45:45 CET 2010


I am currently trying to run your program VLC Media Player. what I would
like to do with it is play my entire video and create clips from that master
video. I'm not sure how to do so. It is a very simple task and I do not how
to do so in VLC. I have certain times when I want the video to start and
when I want the video to stop and I want to splice it from the original
video. I have looked at all of you websites/forums/wiki and discussion
boards. Can you please help me with this minor problem.

The person before me at this job used your program to make clips from a
longer video and I can not seem to find out how to do so myself.

Please email me back asap


Melissa Genazzio
Research Associate
Coral Reef Ecology Laboratory

mgenazzio at lumcon.edu
mgenazzio at gmail.com

(985) 223 7416 work
(610) 662 4373 cell

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