[vlc] spam messages addressed to vlc mailing list addresses

videolan at frundle.com videolan at frundle.com
Tue Apr 5 12:39:44 CEST 2011

Hello, all,

  I use mailing-list-name at mydomain.com for every mailing list and today
received a piece of spam addressed to videolan at mydomain.com

  You may want to obfuscate e-mail addresses better than this:

  I see somebody else has brought this up recently ( http://tx0.org/1xi )
with only http://tx0.org/1xj as a response.

  It is _not_ true that mailman must show your full address and name
this way.  As far as I know the videolan list is the only one I
subscribe to that does it and I was only alerted to that by a piece of
direct spam.  Here is an example of a mailman list not showing your
address but still archiving messages: http://tx0.org/1xk

  Luckily I used a throw-away address, but what about poor Koen Cherlet?

 Sincerely yours,
   John B.
Many smokers will try to tell you that quitting is hard,
but I found that, through willpower and determination, I
was able to quit "cold turkey," without any trouble, in
just over a decade and a half.  -Dave Barry

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