[vlc] problems with incorporation of slow motion video in MS Powerpoint message 2

Rommert Dekker en Annemiek Coremans rdekker at ese.eur.nl
Fri Feb 4 21:06:30 CET 2011

Dear forum members,

I made a stupid mistake in my former message. The videofragment is in .mpg
format and not in .mpeg format!!! Excuse me.

I have used VLC to record a videofragment in slow motion (0.4 times). I
would like to incorporate this fragment into a Microsoft Powerpoint (2007)
presentation. This videofragment (in ,mpg format and not in .mpeg format)
can be replayed with the VLC mediaplayer (version 1.1.7), but it cannot be
replayed with windows media player. I have tried various videofragments at
different recording speeds. The problem persist for all videofragments at
reduced speed. I have no difficulties incorporating videofragments in
Powerpoint or windows media player at normal speed.

I am working with MS Office 2007 at Windows Vista. The problem occurs at all
3 PC's available at my place.

Can someone please help me to fix this problem?

Best regards,



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