[vlc] [Bulk] Re: Trying To Get Equivalent of timeupdate and seeked events for HTML 5 Video Element in VLC Plugin

Seni Seven seniseven at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 12 17:02:00 CET 2012

On 12-Dec-2012 17:07, dE . wrote:
> This mailing list is dead, ask in the forums.

Cannot ask in the forums because for some perfectly unbelievable reason, I am
unable to register for the forums.

I am led to a 403 Forbidden page that gives SEVERAL reasons why I can't
register, namely that the IP is blocked for spam or whatever.

This is the ONLY forum to forbid me to register in this or any other way. 

I must be a member of two dozen other forums, never having been shown a
"Forbidden To Register", but the VLAN forums are blocking my registration.

If I can't get the answer here or be allowed to register to the forums to ask
the question, I will tell my users to NOT use and to avoid the VLC media player
and plugin, if they make it hard for a developer to use.

What else can I do?


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