[vlc] [Bulk] Re: Trying To Get Equivalent of timeupdate and seeked events for HTML 5 Video Element in VLC Plugin

Seni Seven seniseven at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 16 08:15:40 CET 2012

On 16-Dec-2012 7:11, dE . wrote:
> On 12/12/12 21:32, Seni Seven wrote:
>> On 12-Dec-2012 17:07, dE . wrote:
>>> This mailing list is dead, ask in the forums.
>> Cannot ask in the forums because for some perfectly unbelievable reason, I am
>> unable to register for the forums.
>> I am led to a 403 Forbidden page that gives SEVERAL reasons why I can't
>> register, namely that the IP is blocked for spam or whatever.
>> This is the ONLY forum to forbid me to register in this or any other way.
>> I must be a member of two dozen other forums, never having been shown a
>> "Forbidden To Register", but the VLAN forums are blocking my registration.
>> If I can't get the answer here or be allowed to register to the forums to ask
>> the question, I will tell my users to NOT use and to avoid the VLC media player
>> and plugin, if they make it hard for a developer to use.
>> What else can I do? 

>> Yeah, that's why I'm too in this mailing list.
> All this thanks to the HUGE amount of spam generated by compromised Windows
> computers running the latest and up-to-dated and expensive anti-virus.

I realize that there are many who barely can find the power switch on a
computer, and because of this, they allow their computers to become infected
with all manner of malware.

But if the VLAN forums---different from other countless forums out there---has
identified my IP as being in an address range that is a constant source of
Internet trouble (spam, denial of service attacks, etc) or it has somehow
detected---and I can scarcely understand how----that my computer is compromised,
then it MUST do a better job of notifying the user.  I checked its list of spam
identifying services and none reported my IP as being in their list.

It is up to the moderator of the VLAN forums to tell the denied registrant
EXACTLY and DESCRIPTIVELY why registration is denied.  A GOOD forum moderator
should WANT to educate the users out there what they are doing wrong...not just
give the users his opinion that they are doing something wrong and not saying
exactly how.

Actually, I believe that the forum moderator has closed off registrations and is
instead using this page without basis.

This process is wrong.

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