[vlc] Occassional problems playing pvr-files

Henrik Brems hr at henrikbrems.dk
Tue Jan 3 12:47:45 CET 2012

I have a recorder from Denver with which I record programs from a Danish


Only VLC mediaplayer can play these files which are MPEG-TS and audio that
is HE-AAC. Other players might play them but I haven't found any that can
play the audio.


Unfortunately VLC won't play them all about every third or so will not open,
other media players will open these, I might add.


I've tried to find a solution on the internet and in forums but to no awail.


The only difference that I've been able to spot is that those files refusing
to open displays that they have opened a different channel called DR UPDATE,
in stead of DR K, which is the channel that wish to make recordings of.
Furthermore when I open mediainfo on those files that wont open and look up
codec-detalis the one featuring at the top is DR UPDATE, while its different
with those working where I can find under codec detalis that its written
Stream 0 at the top.


Can any one help me with this?


I've added to txt files where you can read the media infomation, don't know
if they are of any use: Krigen om elektricitet works; 68 doesn't.


Hoping that someone recieving this email might be able to help.



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