[vlc] VLC media player audio scrobbling (Last.fm)

Sebastian Lukas sebastianlukas30 at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 12 17:40:10 CET 2012


finally I succeeded in setting up audio scrobbling to Last.fm from my 
VLC media player (thanks for the instructions in several forums). 
However, there are two things I'd like to check for a solution:

Firstly, VLC won't update my "Now playing" status. Is there a chance it 
will do this?

The other point is that VLC will only scrobble a track if it is 100% 
finished. That is quite annoying especially because in some cases I have 
to wait some time until the song finishes so that I can finally manually 
switch to a different song (I won't switch before as I want my 
statistics to show higher numbers!). I think it would be reasonable to 
scrobble the track when it was 50% played, just as the Last.fm Scrobble 
for iTunes and Windows Media Player does it.

Thanks for your help.

Sebastian Lukas

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