[vlc] Replace the current Playlist with something useful

Felix Paul Kühne fkuehne.videolan at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 6 12:26:00 CET 2012

Hi Michelle,

On 05.03.2012, at 22:46, Michelle Konzack wrote:

> Hello *,
> currently I am installing my new workstation and the playlist  is  some-
> thing which cost me the last nerv on VLC.
>    Does someone know a VLC Plugin, which replace this
>    crap with a usefull one like directory based?
> I have several 10.000 Files which look all the same since they are saved
> with there HASH name and one can only identify them by the name  of  the
> directory where there are in.  Also the current playlist has  all  files
> mixed up, since VLC can only sort by Filename and not by pathname

This is a use case we didn't think about yet. VLC is mostly developed by volunteers in their spare time, so the "correct" way to achieve this functionality is to write a patch, which we will happily merge for the next major version.

Thanks for your interest in VLC.

Best regards,


Felix Paul Kühne
Developer of VLC's Mac OS X port

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