[vlc] Fwd:

Michelle Konzack linux4michelle at tamay-dogan.net
Tue Mar 6 20:09:20 CET 2012

Hello Malcolm Waterman,

Am 2012-03-06 18:54:24, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
> What version of Ubuntu and VLC are you using? Also when you say it doesn't
> work, what isn't it doing?

My old workstations where  Ubuntu  10  and  Debian  5  (Lenny)  and  now
Ubuntu 11 and Debian 6 (Squeeze).

While Ubuntu run with "xfce", Debian is using "fvwm", which mean, I have
no KDE or Gnome.  Probably some libs, but not more.

And as I have already written, it ignores  the  "singel session"  option
and whenever I click a media link, it open a new instance of VLC.

Also it seems there are more users, with this problem...

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack

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