[vlc] [VLC 2.0.3]

Petar Koretić petar.koretic at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 22:52:57 CET 2012

This is ffmpeg line ( I have removed other parameters as it would be too
long) which works, it sets aspect ratio to what I want (checked with
mediainfo, and seen on the system)

ffmpeg -i $1 -vcodec mpeg2video -aspect "16:9" -vf scale=$width:$height -an
-f mpegts udp://@$2

for vlc I use this

vlc -I dummy -vvv $1 --sout

Here I tried putting aspect ratio settings on four different places with
different names as found over the internet and vlc wiki (aspect,
canvas-aspect, canvas-ratio,aspect-ratio) but I just cannot get it to work.

In vlc help I can see
--aspect-ratio <string> Source aspect ratio

but setting that (--aspect-ratio="16:9") haven't changed output aspect

I wan't to have it over vlc since cpu usage with 20 channels transcoded and
streamed over the network in realtime is 20% difference on the server.

Thanks in advance.
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