[vlc] RTSP client in vlc 2.1

Jean-Baptiste Kempf jb at videolan.org
Sun Dec 15 11:47:04 CET 2013

On 15 Dec, Gilles Chanteperdrix wrote :
> Also, being a maintainer myself, if a piece of code is such that I do
> not want to maintain it,

Oh please. Noone said that we will not maintain it.
And this is exactly what is happening to the RTSP module, that is
getting denoted under the avformat module priority

> I remove it, purely and simply. I find it a

Wow, you are so grand, please tell us how to maintain a 100-million
users software. Could you teach us?

You realize what it means for user to change protocol implementations or
remove some implementations? I don't think so.
Every .0 release is a fultitude of complaints, that get fixed during the
following minor releases.

> much saner attitude than having some code in my codebase but refusing to
> maintain it when users report bugs. Again, you have the choice to use

You did not report a bug. Bugs get reported on the trac.

> ffmpeg instead of live555 as an RTSP client for instance.

Which already exists in VLC codebase, for RTMP and other protocols.
And which is getting discussed as a higher-priority than live555 for
RTSP, for the very reasons explained above.

> but please do not be surprised if others which do not like the way you
> are doing your job do not want to participate.

Sure. I am not surprised and I don't complain.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - +33 672 704 734
Sent from my Electronic Device

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