[vlma-devel] commit: Some web-app string clarifications. (Adrien Maglo )

git version control git at videolan.org
Mon Feb 2 22:14:36 CET 2009

vlma | branch: master | Adrien Maglo <magsoft at videolan.org> | Mon Feb  2 22:14:37 2009 +0100| [8c8b31ab4f58a7f87d6c67d9c2ceeead4afc9c50] | committer: Adrien Maglo 

Some web-app string clarifications.
Feel free to correct my poor English.

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlma.git/?a=commit;h=8c8b31ab4f58a7f87d6c67d9c2ceeead4afc9c50

 vlma-webapp/src/main/resources/messages.properties |   10 +++++-----
 .../src/main/resources/messages_fr.properties      |    8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/vlma-webapp/src/main/resources/messages.properties b/vlma-webapp/src/main/resources/messages.properties
index 77f178b..cee37ba 100644
--- a/vlma-webapp/src/main/resources/messages.properties
+++ b/vlma-webapp/src/main/resources/messages.properties
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ quicklinks.dtt = DTT
 dtt.title = DTT channels
-orders.title = Streming orders
-orders.startmonitoring = Control the streaming orders execution
-orders.startmonitoring.title = Streaming orders execution control
-orders.startmonitoring.page = Streaming orders execution control launched
-orders.startmonitoring.text = The streaming orders execution control has been launched.
+orders.title = Streaming orders
+orders.startmonitoring = Control and send non executed streaming orders
+orders.startmonitoring.title = Orders execution control and sending
+orders.startmonitoring.page = Orders execution control and sending started
+orders.startmonitoring.text = The orders execution control and the sending have been started.
 orders.monitor = Monitor commands sent to servers
 orders.monitor.page = Commands sent to servers
 orders.list.server = Server
diff --git a/vlma-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_fr.properties b/vlma-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_fr.properties
index 5a81d8c..9746d2f 100644
--- a/vlma-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_fr.properties
+++ b/vlma-webapp/src/main/resources/messages_fr.properties
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ quicklinks.dtt = TNT
 dtt.title = Chaînes TNT
 orders.title = Ordres de diffusion
-orders.startmonitoring = Contrôler l'éxecution des ordres de diffusion
-orders.startmonitoring.title = Contrôle de l'éxecution des ordres de diffusion
-orders.startmonitoring.page = Contrôle de l'éxecution des ordres de diffusion lancé
-orders.startmonitoring.text = Le contrôle de l'éxecution des ordres de diffusion a été lancé.
+orders.startmonitoring = Contrôler et envoyer les ordres de diffusion non éxecutés
+orders.startmonitoring.title = Contrôle de l'éxecution et envoi des ordres
+orders.startmonitoring.page = Contrôle de l'éxecution et envoi des ordres démarré
+orders.startmonitoring.text = Le contrôle et l'envoi des ordres de diffusion a été démarré.
 orders.monitor = Surveiller les commandes envoyées aux serveurs
 orders.monitor.page = Commandes envoyées aux serveurs
 orders.list.server = Serveur

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