[vlmc-devel] VLMC on Mac OS: Partial Success

Rohit Yadav rohityadav89 at gmail.com
Thu May 27 20:11:45 CEST 2010

Hello everyone,

I tried to compile VLMC on Mac OS, using VLC-1.1-git libs and was somehow
able to run the app \m/

Pl. see the commits:
"Add lib/include paths for Mac OS"
"Fix fwd declaration QXMLStreamWriter issues on Mac OS"

These two patches almost fix porting issues, on Mac OS.

http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/6851/003ef.png (Notice that the video is
detached from the Clip Widget...)

In case you have a Mac, you may try the buggy port based on vlc-1.1-git
i368-build (Mac OS 10.6.3)
(Unzip and run "vlmc"...)

I've used the following steps:
(Assuming you have g++, cmake 2.8+, Qt 4.6.0+ etc.)

1. Compile Release version of VLC1.1 on Mac and extract vlc libs (include,
lib and plugins folders) fom VLC-release.app to a folder named "libvlc"
(The above port includes libvlc... in case you may want to use 'em)
2. Download VLMC's src, put this "libvlc" folder in the root
3. Change absolute paths (lib and include), in cmake/FindLIBVLC.cmake
4. Compile VLMC, by: (set architecture accordingly)
      mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386 .. &&
5. Then, copy the Qtxxx.frameworks and vlmc (binary) to this folder
containing vlc libs.
6. On terminal, ./vlmc or otherwise :P

BUG: On Mac, the video widgets are detached... And some GUI parts needs

NOTE on VLMC rendering: On Linux, rendered video has no sound.
On contrary, the video rendered on Mac OS was of better quality (with same
parameters) and had sound :P

Enjoy hacking!
Rohit Yadav
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