[vlmc-devel] Add main.qml

Yikai Lu git at videolan.org
Sun Jul 10 18:03:24 CEST 2016

vlmc | branch: master | Yikai Lu <luyikei.qmltu at gmail.com> | Sat Jul  9 18:55:03 2016 +0900| [9c6bff01d895220f52b1fbdd7ca20cb20b04c869] | committer: Yikai Lu

Add main.qml

> https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlmc/commit/9c6bff01d895220f52b1fbdd7ca20cb20b04c869

 src/Gui/timeline/main.qml | 287 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 287 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/Gui/timeline/main.qml b/src/Gui/timeline/main.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c21e6ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Gui/timeline/main.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+import QtQuick 2.0
+import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
+Rectangle {
+    id: page
+    anchors.fill: parent
+    color: "#777777"
+    border.width: 0
+    property int initPosOfCursor: 100
+    property int ppu: 10 // Pixels Per minimum Unit
+    property int unit: 3000 // In milliseconds so ppu / unit = Pixels Per milliseconds
+    property double fps: 29.97
+    property int maxZ: 100
+    property var selectedClips: []
+    property int trackHeight: 30
+    function clearSelectedClips() {
+        while ( selectedClips.length ) {
+            var clipInfo = selectedClips.pop();
+            if ( clipInfo["item"] )
+                clipInfo["item"].selected = false;
+        }
+    }
+    // Convert length in frames to pixels
+    function ftop( frames )
+    {
+        return frames / fps * 1000 * ppu / unit;
+    }
+    // Convert length in pixels to frames
+    function ptof( pixels )
+    {
+        return Math.round( pixels * fps / 1000 / ppu * unit );
+    }
+    function trackContainer( trackType )
+    {
+        if ( trackType === "Video" )
+            return trackContainers.get( 0 );
+        return trackContainers.get( 1 );
+    }
+    function addTrack( trackType )
+    {
+        trackContainer( trackType )["tracks"].append( { "clips": [] } );
+    }
+    function removeTrack( trackType )
+    {
+        var tracks = trackContainer( trackType )["tracks"];
+        tracks.remove( tracks.count - 1 );
+    }
+    function addClip( trackType, trackId, clipDict )
+    {
+        var newDict = {};
+        newDict["begin"] = clipDict["begin"];
+        newDict["end"] = clipDict["end"];
+        newDict["position"] = clipDict["position"];
+        newDict["length"] = clipDict["length"];
+        newDict["uuid"] = clipDict["uuid"];
+        newDict["trackId"] = trackId;
+        newDict["name"] = clipDict["name"];
+        var tracks = trackContainer( trackType )["tracks"];
+        tracks.get( trackId )["clips"].append( newDict );
+        if ( clipDict["uuid"] === "tempUuid" )
+            return newDict;
+        while ( tracks.count < trackId + 2 ) {
+            addTrack( trackType );
+        }
+        return newDict;
+    }
+    function removeClipFromTrack( trackType, trackId, uuid )
+    {
+        var ret = false;
+        var tracks = trackContainer( trackType )["tracks"];
+        var clips = tracks.get( trackId )["clips"];
+        for ( var j = 0; j < clips.count; j++ ) {
+            var clip = clips.get( j );
+            if ( clip.uuid === uuid ) {
+                clips.remove( j );
+                ret = true;
+                j--;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( uuid === "tempUuid" )
+            return ret;
+        while ( tracks.count > 1 && tracks.get( tracks.count - 2 )["clips"].count === 0 )
+            removeTrack( trackType );
+        return ret;
+    }
+    function removeClipFromTrackContainer( trackType, uuid )
+    {
+        var tracks = trackContainer( trackType )["tracks"];
+        for ( var i = 0; i < tracks.count; i++  )
+            removeClipFromTrack( trackType, i, uuid );
+    }
+    function findClipFromTrackContainer( trackType, uuid )
+    {
+        var tracks = trackContainer( trackType )["tracks"];
+        for ( var i = 0; i < tracks.count; i++  ) {
+            var clip = findClipFromTrack( trackType, i, uuid );
+            if( clip )
+                return clip;
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    function findClipFromTrack( trackType, trackId, uuid )
+    {
+        var clips = trackContainer( trackType )["tracks"].get( trackId )["clips"];
+        for ( var j = 0; j < clips.count; j++ ) {
+            var clip = clips.get( j );
+            if ( clip.uuid === uuid )
+                return clip;
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    function findClip( uuid )
+    {
+        var v = findClipFromTrackContainer( "Video", uuid );
+        if ( !v )
+            return findClipFromTrackContainer( "Audio", uuid );
+        return v;
+    }
+    function moveClipTo( trackType, uuid, trackId )
+    {
+        var clip = findClipFromTrackContainer( trackType, uuid );
+        if ( !clip )
+            return;
+        var oldId = clip["trackId"];
+        clip["trackId"] = trackId;
+        workflow.moveClip( trackId, uuid, clip["position"] );
+        addClip( trackType, trackId, clip );
+        removeClipFromTrack( trackType, oldId, uuid );
+    }
+    ListModel {
+        id: trackContainers
+        ListElement {
+            name: "Video"
+            tracks: []
+        }
+        ListElement {
+            name: "Audio"
+            tracks: []
+        }
+        Component.onCompleted: {
+            addTrack( "Video" );
+            addTrack( "Audio" );
+        }
+    }
+    MouseArea {
+        id: selectionArea
+        anchors.fill: page
+        onPressed: {
+            clearSelectedClips();
+            selectionRect.visible = true;
+            selectionRect.x = mouseX;
+            selectionRect.y = mouseY;
+            selectionRect.width = 0;
+            selectionRect.height = 0;
+            selectionRect.initPos = Qt.point( mouseX, mouseY );
+        }
+        onPositionChanged: {
+            if ( selectionRect.visible === true ) {
+                selectionRect.x = Math.min( mouseX, selectionRect.initPos.x );
+                selectionRect.y = Math.min( mouseY, selectionRect.initPos.y );
+                selectionRect.width = Math.abs( mouseX - selectionRect.initPos.x );
+                selectionRect.height = Math.abs( mouseY - selectionRect.initPos.y );
+            }
+        }
+        onReleased: {
+            selectionRect.visible = false;
+        }
+    }
+    Ruler {
+        id: ruler
+        z: 1000
+    }
+    Cursor {
+        id: cursor
+        z: 2000
+        height: page.height
+        x: initPosOfCursor
+    }
+    Rectangle {
+        id: borderBottomOfRuler
+        width: page.width
+        height: 1
+        color: "#111111"
+        anchors.top: ruler.bottom
+    }
+    ScrollView {
+        id: sView
+        anchors.top: borderBottomOfRuler.bottom
+        anchors.bottom: page.bottom
+        anchors.right: page.right
+        anchors.left: page.left
+        Column {
+            TrackContainer {
+                id: videoTrackContainer
+                type: "Video"
+                isUpward: true
+                tracks: trackContainers.get( 0 )["tracks"]
+            }
+            Rectangle {
+                height: 20
+                width: page.width
+                gradient: Gradient {
+                    GradientStop {
+                        position: 0.00;
+                        color: "#797979"
+                    }
+                    GradientStop {
+                        position: 0.748
+                        color: "#959697"
+                    }
+                    GradientStop {
+                        position: 0.986
+                        color: "#858f99"
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            TrackContainer {
+                id: audioTrackContainer
+                type: "Audio"
+                isUpward: false
+                tracks: trackContainers.get( 1 )["tracks"]
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Rectangle {
+        id: selectionRect
+        visible: false
+        color: "#999999cc"
+        property point initPos
+    }
+    Connections {
+        target: workflow
+        onLengthChanged: {
+            if ( ruler.width < ftop( length ) + 100 ) {
+                var newPpu = ppu;
+                var newUnit = unit;
+                newPpu *= width / ( ftop( length ) + 100 )
+                while ( newPpu < 5 ) {
+                    newPpu *= 2;
+                    newUnit *= 2;
+                }
+                unit = newUnit;
+                ppu = newPpu;
+            }
+        }
+    }

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