[vlmc-devel] README: fix indention

Felix Paul Kühne git at videolan.org
Tue Mar 1 12:45:54 CET 2016

vlmc | branch: master | Felix Paul Kühne <fkuehne at videolan.org> | Tue Mar  1 12:45:49 2016 +0100| [7cd3f905244847b0fc9ec11ac61f1a6c1d4e6d5a] | committer: Felix Paul Kühne

README: fix indention

> https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlmc/commit/7cd3f905244847b0fc9ec11ac61f1a6c1d4e6d5a

 README.md | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a2bb243..8dd38c2 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -14,29 +14,29 @@ As VLMC is an open-source project hosted by VideoLAN, we happily welcome all kin
 See the INSTALL file for compilation and installation instructions.
 ## Special files and folders
-AUTHORS            - Main VLMC authors.
-CMakeLists.txt     - Root CMake config file.
-COPYING            - The GPL license.
-ChangeLog          - One day, VLMC will have this file.
-HACKING            - Hacking VLMC.
-INSTALL            - General Installation instructions.
-INSTALL.macosx     - Installation instructions for the Mac OS X version of VLMC.
-INSTALL.win32      - Installation instructions for the Win32 version of VLMC.
-NEWS               - Important modifications between the releases.
-README             - This file.
-ressources.qrc     - Qt resource file of VLMC.
-THANKS             - All VLMC contributors.
-TRANSLATORS        - VLMC Translators.
-bin/               - Binary files.
-cmake/             - CMake build system configuration.
-contribs/          - Holds libs etc.
-doc/               - Miscellaneous documentation.
-include/           - Include files.
-nsis/              - NSIS config file for building Win32 Installer of VLMC.
-resources/         - VLMC resources folder (images etc.).
-share/             - Common Resources files.
-src/               - VLMC source code.
-ts/                - languages related files.
+* AUTHORS            - Main VLMC authors.
+* CMakeLists.txt     - Root CMake config file.
+* COPYING            - The GPL license.
+* ChangeLog          - One day, VLMC will have this file.
+* HACKING            - Hacking VLMC.
+* INSTALL            - General Installation instructions.
+* INSTALL.macosx     - Installation instructions for the Mac OS X version of VLMC.
+* INSTALL.win32      - Installation instructions for the Win32 version of VLMC.
+* NEWS               - Important modifications between the releases.
+* README.md          - This file.
+* resources.qrc     - Qt resource file of VLMC.
+* THANKS             - All VLMC contributors.
+* TRANSLATORS        - VLMC Translators.
+* bin/               - Binary files.
+* cmake/             - CMake build system configuration.
+* contribs/          - Holds libs etc.
+* doc/               - Miscellaneous documentation.
+* include/           - Include files.
+* nsis/              - NSIS config file for building Win32 Installer of VLMC.
+* resources/         - VLMC resources folder (images etc.).
+* share/             - Common Resources files.
+* src/               - VLMC source code.
+* ts/                - languages related files.
    [GPLv2]: <https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0>
    [freenode]: <http://www.freenode.net/>

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