[vlmc-devel] CMake: Fix translation tools detection & usage

Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen git at videolan.org
Fri Mar 4 18:07:09 CET 2016

vlmc | branch: master | Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen <hugo at beauzee.fr> | Fri Mar  4 18:04:52 2016 +0100| [61119c89a487bbd7f8c75ac99d62bbebb4ab4dcf] | committer: Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen

CMake: Fix translation tools detection & usage

> https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlmc/commit/61119c89a487bbd7f8c75ac99d62bbebb4ab4dcf

 ts/CMakeLists.txt | 70 ++++++++++++++-----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ts/CMakeLists.txt b/ts/CMakeLists.txt
index 11e2445..179f70a 100644
--- a/ts/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/ts/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,39 +7,10 @@
 ## RCC file
 SET(TS_QRC ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ts/resources-ts.qrc)
-    MESSAGE(WARNING "VLMC could not find lupdate. You won't be able to update translations.")
-    MESSAGE(WARNING "VLMC could not find lrelease. Your build won't contain translations.")
-    ## Create an empty RCC file
-    FILE(WRITE ${TS_QRC} "<RCC></RCC>")
-## Wraps the supplied .ts files in lrelease commands
-    FILE(WRITE ${TS_QRC} "<RCC><qresource prefix=\"ts\">\n")
-    FOREACH (it ${ARGN})
-        GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(outfile ${it} NAME_WE)
-        FILE(APPEND ${TS_QRC} "<file>${outfile}.qm</file>\n")
-        SET(outfile ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ts/${outfile}.qm)
-            OUTPUT ${outfile}
-            ARGS -compress -silent -nounfinished ${it} -qm ${outfile}
-            MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${it}
-        )
-        SET(${outfiles} ${${outfiles}} ${outfile})
-    FILE(APPEND ${TS_QRC} "</qresource></RCC>")
+# Don't remove TS files on make clean.
+set_directory_properties(PROPERTIES CLEAN_NO_CUSTOM 1)
 ## Set availbale translations file ids here
 OPTION(LANGUAGES "Using translations")
@@ -94,27 +65,22 @@ FOREACH(LANGUAGE ${LANGUAGES})
     LIST(APPEND vlmc_TS ${temp_TS})
-    ## Wraps the collected translations
-    qt5_add_translation(vlmc_QMS ${vlmc_TS})
-    ## Create a target that runs lrelease for all the .ts files
-    ## "ALL" means that it will be run by default.
-    ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(translations ALL DEPENDS ${vlmc_QMS})
+## Wraps the collected translations
+qt5_add_translation(vlmc_QMS ${vlmc_TS})
-    ## Search for all translatable strings in the sources directory
-    FILE(GLOB_RECURSE translate_SRCS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.cpp
-                                 ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.hpp)
-    FILE(GLOB_RECURSE translate_HDRS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.h)
-    FILE(GLOB_RECURSE translate_UIS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.ui)
+## Create a target that runs lrelease for all the .ts files
+## "ALL" means that it will be run by default.
+ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(translations ALL DEPENDS ${vlmc_QMS})
-    SET(translate_SRCS ${translate_SRCS} ${translate_HDRS} ${translate_UIS})
+## Search for all translatable strings in the sources directory
+qt5_create_translation(vlmc_TS_UPDATE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src ${vlmc_TS})
-    ## Create a target that runs lupdate for all the sources and UI files
-    ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(lupdate
-        COMMAND ${QT_LUPDATE_EXECUTABLE} -noobsolete ${translate_SRCS} -ts ${vlmc_TS} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ts/template.ts
-    )
+## Create a target that runs lupdate for all the sources and UI files
+message(STATUS "ts: ${vlmc_TS_UPDATE}")
+    MESSAGE(WARNING "VLMC could not find Qt5 linguist tools. i18n support will be disabled.")
+    ## Create an empty RCC file
+    FILE(WRITE ${TS_QRC} "<RCC></RCC>")

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