[ Patch solves ] thread issues with SyncFifo / convertor fix / streamer fix

Jean-Paul Saman saman at natlab.research.philips.com
Thu Mar 28 17:43:45 CET 2002

The following patches probaby solves some or all issues related to task:
0x03 (please check).

Problems solved are separated in two different patches, because one 
depends on STL and I read on the changelog that STL was just tucked out ;-):

+ handling of queue (SyncFifo) is now *really* threadsafe
+ filling of queue (SyncFifo) is now under control, no overflows anymore
+ convertor checks if I_TsPacketHandler can handle a packet with call
to CanHandlePacket(). If not it does not "push" a packet on the queue
(SyncFifo), but 'waits' until a packet can be handled. This should 
ensure that there are no packets dropped. I did NOT CHECK if this works 
correct with satelite input.
+ extended class C_TsPacket

+ convertor checks consistency of Ts stream being read by investigating
the ContinuityCounter of a Ts packet for all Pids.
+ streamer checks consistency of Ts stream being read by investigating
the ContinuityCounter of a Ts packet for all Pids.
+ introduce STL again ;-O for implementation of TsAnalysis.

Both patches combined ;-)

I just cross checked the patches against the latest CVS (28 march 2002, 
+/- 16:15 hrs). The patch applies a bit fuzzy, but no errors (a few 
lines moved). It still applies OK.

Kind greetings,

Jean-Paul Saman

Software Architect

e-mail (work): saman at natlab.research.philips.com
phone  (work): 040 27 42909
Ordina TA,
Science Park Eindhoven 5602, Postbus 293, 5600 AG Eindhoven
e-mail : jean-paul.saman at ordina.nl
phone  : 040 2601200
fax    : 040 2601199

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