[www-doc] How to know which movie is playing in playlist???

Mirko Bald mb at skyco.de
Thu Oct 14 11:08:17 CEST 2004


I have a question to <embed> and JavaScript control of playlist in VLC
Mozilla Plugin Version 0.8.0-test1 janus.

I am very happy with the VLC Mozilla plug-in and succeded in adding files to
playlist, playing / pausing / them, switching to next and previous. However,
I have not succeded in finding out via javascript which movie is currently

document.video1.get_position() always returns 0.
I need either the position in playlist or the name of the movie or an event
that is fired when playlist switches to next movie.
It would work, too, if I could fire "play and stop after playing" of an
entry in playlist or "play and repeat playing" of one entry in playlist.

We are using <embed> and playing movies via playlist with VLC Mozilla
plug-in 8.0 on Mozilla and Firefox in Debian environment. After having spend
countless hours of trying I am really looking forward to any suggestions.

Thanx a lot in advance,



Mirko Bald

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eMail  mb at skyco.de  |  www.skyco.de

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