[www-doc] Topic approved - "VLC with skins2 interface crashes on start"

Santiago Gimeno santiago.gimeno at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 18:10:58 CEST 2010

Sorry to bother you with this, but I edited the topic just after being
approved and the topic is gone for good. Any way to recover it?



2010/9/30 <admin at videolan.org>

> Hello sgimeno,
> You are receiving this notification because your topic "VLC with skins2
> interface crashes on start" at "The VideoLAN Forums" was approved by a
> moderator or administrator.
> If you want to view the topic, click the following link:
> http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=83045&e=0
> --
> --
> The VideoLAN Team
> <webmaster at videolan.org>
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