[www-doc] [Git][VideoLAN.org/websites][master] Update trademarks and add registration numbers

François Cartegnie (@fcartegnie) gitlab at videolan.org
Wed Mar 30 19:51:35 UTC 2022

François Cartegnie pushed to branch master at VideoLAN organization / websites

c4752c6d by Francois Cartegnie at 2022-03-30T21:49:33+02:00
Update trademarks and add registration numbers

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- www.videolan.org/legal.php


@@ -55,7 +55,16 @@
-   <p>VideoLAN, VLC, VLC media player and x264 are trademarks owned by VideoLAN.</p>
+   <p>VideoLAN owns the following trademarks: (03/2022 updated)</p>
+   <ul class="bullets">
+       <li><b>VideoLAN</b>: France 3805774, European Union 009787871, United Kingdom</li>
+       <li>"The VLC cône logo": Worldwide 1587894, France 4666551, European Union, United States of America 79309426, Canada 2101442 (pending), Japan</li>
+       <li><b>VLC media player</b>: France 3790877, European Union 009908468, United Kingdom, United States of America 90086388, Japan (pending)</li>
+       <li><b>VLC</b>: Worldwide 1552372, Canada 2053560 (pending), Japan 1552372</li>
+       <li><b>x262</b>: France 3921270, European Union 012029898, United Kingdom</li>
+       <li><b>x264</b>: France 1081912, European Union 009601204, United States of America 90086378, Canada 2083749 (pending), Japan 2021-352019</li>
+       <li><b>x265</b>: France 3921275, European Union 011949286, United Kingdom, Canada 2169709 (pending)</li>
+   </ul>
       The full usage is detailed under, in the French section, but you should know

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/VideoLAN.org/websites/-/commit/c4752c6df9708f39ddef69032a32d57872f98346

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/VideoLAN.org/websites/-/commit/c4752c6df9708f39ddef69032a32d57872f98346
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