[x264-devel] parallising the encoder

Tom Jacobs T.R.Jacobs at lboro.ac.uk
Wed Apr 6 13:18:31 CEST 2005

hi all

i am planning on parallelising the x264 encoder and would really appreciate
some help.  i have only briefly looked at the code (only got it yesterday)
but have been looking at the JM code (which i must say is a horror to read
with nasty global structures).

my first thoughts about parallelising the encoder was to do it at the MB
level since this is what i have done for both mpeg2 and xvid. the all the
advanced feature of the h264 standard and all the extra predictions from
the current frame needed i thought i may wimp out and look at the slice
level. the slice level looks promising since all MB within the slice are
Independence and it is not a to coarse level to make a shared memory system

in the JM code i could set as input parameters what kind of slice mode i
wanted (how many MB per slice or how many bytes). i haven't seen this input
in x264. having said that there are flags for different slice mode. can
these be used?

also is there a loop of some type that where it loops over slices?

hope someone can help me with these issues or can offer any advice on this.



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