[x264-devel] Memory leak detected using Valgrind

Bill May wmay at cisco.com
Wed Apr 6 20:53:17 CEST 2005


I'm trying out valgrind to make sure that there are no major memory
leaks in my program.  I also tried the x264 program directly.

Valgrind first finds over 30000 occurrances of "Use of uninitialized value of size 8"
within x264 - no backtrace.

At the end, it finds 320K bytes in 20 blocks allocated in x264_mb_analyse_load_costs,
which is the x264_malloc call for p_cost_mv[a->i_qp].


1). Do we care ?

2). It seems that p_cost_mv is never initialized to NULL; is this a good idea
     that will work on all platforms ?

(my parameters to x264 command line are: -B 200 -p 1 --no-psnr , with 320x240).


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