[x264-devel] Re: Mac OS X not compiling any more

Emmanuel et Laurence egentill at mac.com
Tue Apr 12 20:39:50 CEST 2005

It's perfectly working now (v198, with ./configure) !

Thank you all.



Le 10 avr. 05, à 23:11, Måns Rullgård a écrit :

> Emmanuel et Laurence <egentill at mac.com> writes:
>> Trying to compile x264 (v189) on Mac OS X 10.3.8, I get the following
>> message :
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> gcc -c -o encoder/set.o -g -Wall -faltivec -O3 -funroll-loops
>> -falign-loops=16 -DDEBUG -D__X264__ -DARCH_PPC -DSYS_MACOSX
>> -DHAVE_STDINT_H -I. -Icommon -Icommon/i386 -Idecoder -Iencoder
>> encoder/set.c
>> ...failed Cc encoder/set.o ...
> This is not MacOS related.  It's the file config.h that isn't being
> created.  Someone should update the Jamfile to run the version.sh
> script.  Until that happens, use make instead.
> -- 
> Måns Rullgård
> mru at inprovide.com
> --
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