[x264-devel] [Hilton Garcia Fernandes <hgfernan at lsi.usp.br>] Re: Re: x264 on doxygen

System administration admin at via.ecp.fr
Wed Aug 24 01:27:54 CEST 2005

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----- Forwarded message from Hilton Garcia Fernandes <hgfernan at lsi.usp.br> -----

From: Hilton Garcia Fernandes <hgfernan at lsi.usp.br>
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 20:45:03 -0000
To: x264-devel at videolan.org, Guillaume POIRIER <poirierg at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [x264-devel] Re: x264 on doxygen
X-Mailer: TWIG 2.8.1

Dear all, 

Please find attached my tiny contribution: a small patch and a doxyfile
that should be run inside the doc directory.

I hope they're useful. Thanks for the opportunity to collaborate with the
nice project that is x264.

As i learn more about x264, i'll try to improve them. 

We're considering to deal with interlaced video.  Any suggestions ?


On Tue, Aug 23, 2005, Guillaume POIRIER <poirierg at gmail.com> said:

> Hi,
> On 8/22/05, Hilton Fernandes <hgfernan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> i tried to put the nice x264 on doxygen. As far as it goes, it looks
>> nice: now one can see call graphs.
>> The version used for this was 287M, as svnversion tells me.
>> Do the x264 lead developers have interest in this simple conversion ?
>> I'd really like to contribute it, so please don't hesitate in suggest
>> me further processing.
> I'm sure it won't hurt to add doxygen comments. You may send the patch
> to the mailing list?
> Guillaume
> -- 
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>  -- Alan Cox
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Hilton Garcia Fernandes
Nucleo de Tecnologias sem Fio (NTSF) -- Wireless Technologies Team
Lab de Sistemas Integraveis Tecnologico (LSI) -- Integrable Systems Lab
Escola Politecnica (Poli) -- Engineering School
Univ S Paulo (USP)
Tel: (5511) - 3091 - 5676
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto,158 trav.3 CEP 05508-900
S. Paulo -- SP -- Brazil
Pagina inicial: http://www.lsi.usp.br/~hgfernan

----- End forwarded message -----

System administration <admin at via.ecp.fr>
VIA, Ecole Centrale Paris, France

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