[x264-devel] Is constant bitrate supported by x264?

Piotr Narewski P.Narewski at adbglobal.com
Tue Jul 26 15:12:42 CEST 2005


I try to prepare some h264 video files for streaming.
The problem is that (because of network limit) I cannot exceed the bandwith 
Unfortunatelly, I am unable to generate a real CBR stream.

For example, when I use encoding parameters like in attached BAT file (CBR 
1.5Mbps), the output bitrate looks like in file bitrate.log (each line 
represents one second - you have also bitrate in Mbps).
Average bitrate of the output file (when I calculate file size and video 
length) is what I wanted, but there are fragments where the bitrate is much 
too big to stream it with reguested bitrate.
And thats the problem.

I was playing with encoder's parameters a little bit and found out that when 
I add such an option:
--vbv-bufsize 1
... then decoder keeps the limit of video bitrate much, much better.
But I dont think this is the right way to produce CBR stream - VBV is too 
low and different decoders behave strange.

Could you help me please?
Is there any way to generate CBR stream, for streaming?

Thanks in advance.


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