[x264-devel] Mac OS X compiling broken

Andrea Gianarro giandrea at libero.it
Sat Mar 12 21:04:40 CET 2005

I am trying to compile a fresh download from SVN of x264 on MacOS X 
10.3, but I keep getting a lot of errors and I can't get a working 
library from the source, because it doesn't succeed in compiling it. I 
attach the log that I get, the main problems seem to happen when 
linking the library:

 > Link x264
 > ld: Undefined symbols:
 > _sqrtf
 > cc  -o x264  x264.o libx264.a -lm
 > ...failed Link x264 ...

and when compiling testing/checkasm.c. Here I get a real lot of 
can you help me please? The only way on Mac to use the last x264 is 
compiling it and then using it with MPlayer, but if I can't get it to 
compile then I can't use it with MPlayer...
Thank you,

Andrea Gianarro

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