[x264-devel] Re: compile problem on PPC

Peter Czanik pczanik at fang.fa.gau.hu
Fri Apr 28 22:29:22 CEST 2006


Eric Petit írta:
> Peter Czanik wrote:
>> I have a compile problem on PPC. x264 was changed recently and PPC
>> compatibility broke.
>  Can you please try the current SVN or the next snapshot (r513 or later)?

Thanks, it compiled now without any problems. I'll try to build some
dependent packages this weekend, and test if it really works.

Some background info: I'm rebuilding PackMan (
http://packman.links2linux.de/ ) packages for SUSE Linux on PPC. I don't
have much C skills, but compiled a few thousand packages in the past 10+
years :-) A lot of them depend on x264, and they use the latest and
greatest for their multimedia packages. The latest x264 source did not
compile on PPC any more, that's why I asked here.

Thanks again for your help, have a nice weekend! Bye,

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