[x264-devel] Re: Build issue

David Rosenstiehl trendywanabee at free.fr
Thu Dec 7 21:35:05 CET 2006

Ok, here is the full output :

Last login: Thu Dec  7 21:29:24 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
david-rosenstiehls-computer:~ guyk$ cd src/x264/
david-rosenstiehls-computer:~/src/x264 guyk$ ./configure
Platform:   X86
System:     MACOSX
avis input: no
mp4 output: no
pthread:    yes
gtk:        no
debug:      no
gprof:      no
PIC:        no
shared:     no
visualize:  no

You can run 'make' or 'make fprofiled' now.
david-rosenstiehls-computer:~/src/x264 guyk$ make
rm -f .depend
( echo -n "`dirname common/mc.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. - 
D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 -DHAVE_MMXEXT -DHAVE_SSE2 -DARCH_X86 - 
DSYS_MACOSX -DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer common/mc.c -MM - 
g0 ) 1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname common/predict.c`/" && gcc -O4  
-ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 -DHAVE_MMXEXT - 
pointer common/predict.c -MM -g0 ) 1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname  
common/pixel.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign- 
DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer common/pixel.c -MM -g0 )  
1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname common/macroblock.c`/" && gcc -O4 - 
ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 -DHAVE_MMXEXT - 
pointer common/macroblock.c -MM -g0 ) 1>> .depend;  ( echo -n  
"`dirname common/frame.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. - 
D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 -DHAVE_MMXEXT -DHAVE_SSE2 -DARCH_X86 - 
DSYS_MACOSX -DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer common/frame.c -MM  
-g0 ) 1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname common/dct.c`/" && gcc -O4 - 
ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 -DHAVE_MMXEXT - 
pointer common/dct.c -MM -g0 ) 1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname  
common/cpu.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign- 
DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer common/cpu.c -MM -g0 )  
1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname common/cabac.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast- 
math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 -DHAVE_MMXEXT -DHAVE_SSE2 - 
DARCH_X86 -DSYS_MACOSX -DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer common/ 
cabac.c -MM -g0 ) 1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname common/ 
common.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign- 
DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer common/common.c -MM -g0 )  
1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname common/mdate.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast- 
math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 -DHAVE_MMXEXT -DHAVE_SSE2 - 
DARCH_X86 -DSYS_MACOSX -DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer common/ 
mdate.c -MM -g0 ) 1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname common/csp.c`/"  
&& gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 - 
fomit-frame-pointer common/csp.c -MM -g0 ) 1>> .depend;  ( echo -n  
"`dirname common/set.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__  
DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer common/set.c -MM -g0 )  
1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname common/quant.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast- 
math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 -DHAVE_MMXEXT -DHAVE_SSE2 - 
DARCH_X86 -DSYS_MACOSX -DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer common/ 
quant.c -MM -g0 ) 1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname encoder/ 
analyse.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign- 
DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer encoder/analyse.c -MM -g0 )  
1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname encoder/me.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast- 
math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 -DHAVE_MMXEXT -DHAVE_SSE2 - 
DARCH_X86 -DSYS_MACOSX -DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer encoder/ 
me.c -MM -g0 ) 1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname encoder/ 
ratecontrol.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign- 
DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer encoder/ratecontrol.c -MM -g0 )  
1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname encoder/set.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast- 
math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 -DHAVE_MMXEXT -DHAVE_SSE2 - 
DARCH_X86 -DSYS_MACOSX -DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer encoder/ 
set.c -MM -g0 ) 1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname encoder/ 
macroblock.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign- 
DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer encoder/macroblock.c -MM -g0 )  
1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname encoder/cabac.c`/" && gcc -O4 - 
ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 -DHAVE_MMXEXT - 
pointer encoder/cabac.c -MM -g0 ) 1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname  
encoder/cavlc.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ - 
DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer encoder/cavlc.c -MM -g0 )  
1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname encoder/encoder.c`/" && gcc -O4 - 
ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 -DHAVE_MMXEXT - 
pointer encoder/encoder.c -MM -g0 ) 1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname  
encoder/eval.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign- 
DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer encoder/eval.c -MM -g0 )  
1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname common/i386/mc-c.c`/" && gcc -O4 - 
ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 -DHAVE_MMXEXT - 
pointer common/i386/mc-c.c -MM -g0 ) 1>> .depend;  ( echo -n  
"`dirname common/i386/predict-c.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I.  
-D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 -DHAVE_MMXEXT -DHAVE_SSE2 -DARCH_X86 - 
DSYS_MACOSX -DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer common/i386/ 
predict-c.c -MM -g0 ) 1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname x264.c`/" &&  
gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 - 
fomit-frame-pointer x264.c -MM -g0 ) 1>> .depend;  ( echo -n  
"`dirname matroska.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ - 
DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer matroska.c -MM -g0 )  
1>> .depend;  ( echo -n "`dirname muxers.c`/" && gcc -O4 -ffast-math - 
Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 -DHAVE_MMXEXT -DHAVE_SSE2 - 
DARCH_X86 -DSYS_MACOSX -DHAVE_PTHREAD -s -fomit-frame-pointer  
muxers.c -MM -g0 ) 1>> .depend;
gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 - 
fomit-frame-pointer   -c -o x264.o x264.c
gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 - 
fomit-frame-pointer   -c -o muxers.o muxers.c
gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 - 
fomit-frame-pointer   -c -o encoder/set.o encoder/set.c
nasm -O2 -f macho -DPREFIX -Icommon/i386/ -o common/i386/cpu-a.o  
nasm -O2 -f macho -DPREFIX -Icommon/i386/ -o common/i386/pixel-a.o  
nasm -O2 -f macho -DPREFIX -Icommon/i386/ -o common/i386/mc-a.o  
common/i386/mc-a.asm:45: panic: invalid section name .text align=16
make: *** [common/i386/mc-a.o] Error 3
david-rosenstiehls-computer:~/src/x264 guyk$ nasm -v
NASM version 0.98.40 compiled on Jan 13 2006
david-rosenstiehls-computer:~/src/x264 guyk$ nasm -O2 -f macho - 
DPREFIX -Icommon/i386/ -o common/i386/mc-a.o common/i386/mc-a.asm
common/i386/mc-a.asm:45: panic: invalid section name .text align=16

As you can see with the latest line, this is deterministic, and can  
be easily reproduced each time.

And as you can see from the line before, this is a recent nasm (in  
fact the one that comes with tiger).

Note, this is the very first time I check in from svn, maybe I miss  
something that you have from previous versions ?


On Dec 7, 2006, at 9:26 PM, Guillaume POIRIER wrote:

> Hi,
> On 12/7/06, David Rosenstiehl <trendywanabee at free.fr> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm running Tiger on a MacbookPro and after getting the latest  
>> tree from svn
>> I'm facing the following problem :
>> $ svn co svn://svn.videolan.org/x264/trunk x264
>> (...)
>> $ cd x264/
>> (...)
>> $ ./configure
>> (...)
>> $ make
>> (...)
>> gcc -O4 -ffast-math -Wall -I. -D__X264__ -falign-loops=16 - 
>> pointer
>> -c -o common/i386/predict-c.o common/i386/predict-c.c
>> nasm -O2 -f macho -DPREFIX -Icommon/i386/ -o common/i386/dct-a.o
>> common/i386/dct-a.asm
>> common/i386/dct-a.asm:124: panic: invalid section name .text align=16
>> make: *** [common/i386/dct-a.o] Error 3
>> $
> Can't reproduce. How is the output of configure like?
> Here I have this:
> ./configure
> ./version.sh: line 1: svnversion: command not found
> Platform:   X86
> System:     MACOSX
> avis input: no
> mp4 output: no
> pthread:    yes
> gtk:        no
> debug:      no
> gprof:      no
> PIC:        no
> shared:     no
> visualize:  no
> You can run 'make' or 'make fprofiled' now.
> -- 
> An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing
> which has never yet existed, from the greatest confederacy of nations
> down to a town meeting or a vestry.
> -- Thomas Jefferson
> (when interviewed about MPlayer ML flamewars)
> http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/t/thomasjeff157207.html
> -- 
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