[x264-devel] Re: VUI timing info issue

Måns Rullgård mru at inprovide.com
Wed Jan 18 16:29:54 CET 2006

Please don't top-post.

shauli.rozen at gmail.com said:
> are you sure about twice the frame rate and not half the frame rate?

Libavcodec has the same error as x264, so it would play correct streams at
twice the correct rate.

> On 1/18/06, Jeff Clagg <snacky at ikaruga.co.uk> wrote:
>> I have some samples that libavcodec plays at twice the correct rate, and
>> I also have hardware players that play these same samples at exactly the
>> correct rate. The encoders producing these samples are capable of both
>> MBAFF and PAFF, but this framerate issue with libavcodec is apparent
>> regardless of whether either of those are present in the particular
>> stream. Should I provide more info?

Måns Rullgård
mru at inprovide.com

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