[x264-devel] Re: Bad x264.pc

Marko Stankovic stankovic.marko at gmail.com
Fri May 5 01:44:37 CEST 2006

Have someone noted my previous post?
I think adding this (or something similar) in "configure" script (at 
line 393) would help:
--- begin of code ---
if test "$vis" = "yes" ; then
   case $SYS in
     *) pclibs="$pclibs -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11"
--- end of code ---

Marko Stankovic wrote:
> Hello, x264-developers!
> I've compiled x264 with pthread and visualize options enabled, but 
> mplayer didn't detected x264. After checking mplayer's config.log I 
> found that problem is in x264.pc file which is not including 
> -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 in "Libs" section.
> Manually including that in x264.pc resolved the problem.
> So I suggest you to include a check if visualize is enabled (in 
> configure script) and in that case add above mentioned string to x264.pc
> Cheers,

++ Marko Stankovic ++ Registered Linux User #361318 [counter.li.org]
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