[x264-devel] Re: OSX Intel breakage..

Felix Kühne fk at aenneburghardt.de
Fri Nov 3 18:55:03 CET 2006

Am 02.11.2006 um 22:02 schrieb Brian Raymond:

> I initially started trying to fix it with this bug but ran into the  
> same crash reported in this thread with the more recent x264  
> versions. Since I didn't see anymore traffic on it I thought we  
> were still having issues on OSX. I apparently missed the VLC patch  
> below so I need to give that a shot and see what comes of it.

We actually don't use this patch for now, since it didn't solve the  
SSE2 crashes. The next version of VLC will probably be shipped with  
MMX support only (we're using an ugly patch to achieve this now..).

I am still pretty interested in getting this solved, but since my  
team's (and especially mine ;) ) assembler skills are somewhat  
limited, I can only provide feedback and testing. I'll have some time  
to produce nice backtraces tomorrow afternoon (CET) and post them  
here. I am going to join the #x264dev channel as "feepk" as well.  
Perhaps, we can fix this just in time for VLC 0.8.6 :-)


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