[x264-devel] [PATCH] Support for shared Dlls

Ramiro Polla angustia at arrozcru.no-ip.org
Mon Sep 11 00:14:33 CEST 2006


Whenever --enable-shared is set, all library names are hardcoded to ".so".
Attached patch makes the libraries end in ".dll" for MinGW and Cygwin 

I tried to follow what goes on in FFmpeg's configure and Makefile.
With the current version, the library name is set to the usual 
"libx264.so.50" in all systems except MinGW and Cygwin, where the 
library name is set to "libx264-50.dll".

I haven't tested in linux, but I have no reason to believe it wouldn't 
work just as it did before.

Ramiro Polla
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