[x264-devel] Crash on Mac Intel

Felix Kühne fk at aenneburghardt.de
Sun Sep 17 14:27:24 CEST 2006


as probably all of you know, the VLC media player uses the x264  
library. This works finely on PowerPC-based Macs, but doesn't at all  
on the Intel-ones. Following the crash logs provided by our testers  
(regrettably, no VLC dev got a Intel-Mac yet), it appears to be x264  
which is crashing:

0   libx264_plugin.dylib           	0x197349fc .. at 273.getgot + 7
1   libx264_plugin.dylib           	0x196fdf02  
x264_slicetype_frame_cost + 402 (slicetype_decision.c:278)
2   libx264_plugin.dylib           	0x196fe734 x264_rc_analyse_slice  
+ 348 (slicetype_decision.c:459)
3   libx264_plugin.dylib           	0x19718f3f rate_estimate_qscale +  
1110 (ratecontrol.c:1219)
4   libx264_plugin.dylib           	0x19716ac6 x264_ratecontrol_start  
+ 412 (ratecontrol.c:597)
5   libx264_plugin.dylib           	0x196cecdb x264_encoder_encode +  
1448 (encoder.c:1351)
6   libx264_plugin.dylib           	0x196cab28 Encode + 136 (x264.c: 

Since I don't know much about x264's source, I would be really  
interested in feedback how to solve this, whether it is a known  
problem to the x264 devs, etc. Feel free to answer me on IRC as well.  
I'll join the x264's channels as "feepk" for the next couple of days.


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