[x264-devel] [PATCH] film grain signalization

Gabriel Bouvigne gabriel.bouvigne at joost.com
Mon Aug 20 16:58:21 CEST 2007

Loren Merritt a écrit :

> I'll keep this in mind if I ever get around to implementing the black 
> magic :)
> Or are you proposing to add it as-is? Because I can't see a workflow that 
> would allow you to know the fgm parameters before encoding. If you have 
> to experiment manually you'd want a separate tool to insert fgm into a 
> stream without re-encoding it several times.

I think that some kind of black magic could work in multi-pass encodings.
But first, we need a decoder able to generate grain (in order to play 
with it) and the best way to have ffmpeg handling it is probably by 
having x264 being able to insert fgm signalization ;-)

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