[x264-devel] [Need for Help:] About parallelism of the x264 encoder algorithm

Hao Shen william.shen at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 09:57:46 CET 2007

Hello, everyone,

Recently, I am researching on the parallelism of the h.264 encoder
algorithm. After I read some papers about this topic, I find there are
4 different parallelism methods.
1. Group-of-frame decomposition.
2. Frame-level decomposition.
3. Slice-level decomposition.
4. MacroBlock (MB) level decomposition.

The latest version of x264 support frame-level decomposition only. And
some early version support slice-level decomposition. If anyone have
some idea how to realize other two kinds of parallelism encoder based
on the x264 existed code, please tell me. And welcome to any

Hao Shen

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